Report the following using the verbs

Report the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbs
Report the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbs
Report the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbsReport the following using the verbs