Underline the stressed syllable

Underline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllable
Underline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllable
Underline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllableUnderline the stressed syllable